
Friday, November 2, 2012

Clean-Up After A Shooting Session

Take a picture, especially landscape and wildlife, clearly has the potential to make people OCD (Obsesive Compulsive Disorder – aka too neat) as I was cringing. Not because of the sunset, but can not because his adventures could potentially foul the equipment. Starting from dirt on the lens and filter (dust, grease, splashes of water, etc.), or in the body of the camera, and it is definitely on the tripod that submerged sea water and hit the sand. Yes, Yes, it was just a piece of equipment, so it must be accepted that they would be dirty when we use, but most do not because they were expensive we need to understand how to take care of her. So how do we cleaned?

The Lens

The main enemy is the lens dust, oil (because it touched the hands as well as the others) and splashes of water (sea water is the worst). A little dust and oil is not going to disrupt the results of a photo. But it could be water splash stains in the photo, if it touches the sky's easy living in the Patch Tool in photoshop, but if it's in the details might be a little hassle.

For prevention:

Use UV filters as protectionism – rather than to the front lens stick, then subject to UV. So the more "easy" for us to clean it up. Additionally UV filter is useful as a cover up so the micro dust does not get into the inside of the lens.
Use a lens hood – on condition of spatter or dust that badly then the lens hood blocking a bit of dirt on the lens surface directly.
Open the lens cover cap – when the splash of waves/waterfalls are carried by the wind continued to "falling" then the lens cap may be closing temporarily. Wait till the wind conditions were better, the new open and just snap. And then close again.

Well, soon after coming home from the clear lens shooting session that is ready in the next photo shoot. Have any lackeys (read: Assistant) Yes please for help. Create that haven't had as I am, ya gotta clean yourself :D

Giottos Rocket Air Blower clean after Clean photo shoot 300 x 250

To dust (and also the first step clean) is to use the blower. Blower blowing dust dust are useful for large size. The goal so that the dust does not puncture the moment we are using a rag. Rag + dust = sandpaper.

After the dust in the wind using a blower then we can use Microfiber Cloth to clean the small dust/smudge. Clean gently using a circular motion. If there is still a stubborn stain, then use the "steam from our mouths" to slightly moisten the surface of the lens/filter UV. Usually this works well to clean the stain.

But if the stain is still not also want is missing, then use the liquid lens cleaner, e.g. Zeiss lens spray cleaner. Spray a little on a clean microfiber cloth. And then clean in the area there are stubborn stains, wait a minute until she evaporate by itself. Live lap again with a dry microfiber cloth. Only need one spray to clean 1-2 lens.

Microfiber Duster that had already been used over and over sometimes need to be washed well. Do not use washer detergent, but use SOAP/shampoo in soft baby washcloth to wash the microfiber. Then the wind anginkan in the shaded area and is not dusty. This washing process, rarely less than, also 3-6 months just once.


For round types of filters, such as UV, CPL and ND then how clean it is similar to clean the lens. Do not use water to clean this filter type, much less to the filter and Megas Yialos CPL-ND, because water can enter between two optical surfaces are stacked. If this happens then it will be very difficult to clean it without uninstalling that filter. Use the liquid lens cleaner in spray to lap just when there is a microfiber stubborn stains.

For GND filters type box then the cleaning can be done using flowing water well (although the liquid lens cleaner remains more effectively). Do not use SOAP, simply flush the water at the surface of the filter GND and wind anginkan a little and wipe dry using a microfiber cloth.

The Body Of The Camera/Lens

For camera/lens to body, we can use a blower and wipe microfiber as well. The liquid lens cleaner can also be used for the area of the LCD of the camera. If there are still stains of sweat that stubborn creases (usually as a white crust), then we can use a microfiber rag we dampen with water then dry it until damp. Slowly we can clean the stain that stains using a damp washcloth.

The Tripod is the equipment exposed to the most severe shit indeed. My advice is to wash as soon as possible after the photo shoot from a tripod, especially if it's just "dye" into the sea water. Pull the tripod, then rinse with fresh water. Sea water is very evil to the tripods made of iron (usually pin on the legs of the tripod leg lock and bolt-nut also used on a tripod). In a moment it could be corroded parts. Tripod legs are generally safe because made of aluminium/carbon fibre, but if Rusty the bolt? Still vulnerable.

Once flush with fresh water pat dry using an absorbent rag like Chamois. Then the wind drying out tripod. We can also issue-put his feet to force the water in between the gaps of the tripod out. Or if the foot bottom can be removed then we can take it off so that the water trapped in the tube can come out perfect.

For prevention we can also use oils singer (commonly used for lubricating sewing machines) and greased ("fat" in English) to the area that moves and is made of iron. This will be a sort of liquid coatings to water.

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